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Activity Ideas
Take a look at the lists below to gain ideas and get inspired on how to start using the Little Lamb in your family! These ideas will range from small and simple acts to more involved community service plans. You can decide how much or how little you want to do this Christmas, but all ideas are centered on sharing a Christlike example.
Activities with your Family- Make breakfast with mom and dad - Do something kind for each person in your house - Share a favorite toy/book with a brother/sister - Make Mom and Dad breakfast in bed - Leave a special note in Dad’s lunchbox - Take your grandparents to see Christmas lights - Decorate an elderly relative's house or porch (then clean up after Christmas) - Call a family member who lives far away - Watch your favorite Christmas movie with your family - Read a Christmas book - Perform the nativity - Attend a Christmas concert - Start a new tradition - Listen to Christmas music - Perform secret acts of service for family members - Make a homemade gift for a family member - Call a grandparent - Help out with housework
Acts of Service- Bake cookies and deliver to fire or police station - Gather all the change in house and donate it to a local charity - Do your sibling's chores for the day - Write a letter to someone lonely on Christmas - Load up gently used toys for donation to needy children - Give toys to a children's hospital - Put together toiletry bags for a homeless shelter - Visit a nursing home and pass out flowers - Make a meal for someone elderly or sick - Make new mother bags/gifts for the maternity ward at the hospital - Volunteer at a soup kitchen - Pay it forward at a drive thru - Let someone get ahead of you in a line - Put on gloves and pick up litter at a park - Make a Christmas meal for someone - Hold the door open for everyone you see - Put together cocoa packets to pass out - Help someone carry their bags to their car at the grocery store
Christmas Crafts- Make a Gingerbread house - Write a Christmas poem - Write an acrostic poem - Make a paper Christmas tree - Make a stocking - Make a tree decoration - Make a cape and give to someone to tell them they’re your hero - Make a homemade gift for a family member - Write a Christmas song - Start a gratitude journal - Create a countdown to Christmas chain
Religious Activities- Set up the Nativity Scene with your family - Make a cake for Jesus and start Christmas morning by singing Happy Birthday to Him - Sing hymns - Pray with someone specific in mind - Make a list of Jesus's names - Attend a candlelight Christmas service - Write a letter to a missionary - Learn about other seasonal/religious traditions - Watch the First Presidency Christmas Devotional - Read the Christmas story - Memorize scripture verses - Read Luke 2 - Tell others about Jesus - Create a Christmas package for missionary/military - Attend and learn about a different church - Forgive someone and talk about forgiveness with your family - Act out the nativity with your family - Invite a friend to church - Send a note of appreciation to a church leader
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